Konj UI Banner

The Next-Gen Component Library.

From September 2023 to present as the Front-end Developer

Collection of ReactJS and PreactJS components designed for astonishing performance, server-side rendering and full type safety. Easily edit each component to your linking with super easy access to internal source code. Freely available with the MIT license. The library supports AstroJS, Vite with Preact or React, and soon NextJS with server component architecture.

Installation guide

Easily add it to your projects by running the following commands:

With NPM

# React
npm i @konj-org/react-ui

# Preact
npm i @konj-org/preact-ui


# React
pnpm add @konj-org/react-ui

# Preact
pnpm add @konj-org/preact-ui

Read the complete setup guide here.